'Home' really makes me wanna get up and dance. Or maybe just sing. Either way, I just heard it, and the song completely set the tone for my afternoon/evening of accomplishment!
30 March 2010

I really want a GOOD camera. I'm not talking about a good digital camera that I can carry around in my purse. I've already got one of those. I'm talking about one with lots of lenses. It's become more and more apparent to me that I actually NEED one of these cameras. Every day I see something that strikes me as utterly beautiful, but the digital camera just doesn't cut it when I go to photograph that image that took my breath away.
I would also love to have a polaroid camera. There's something awfully appealing to me about the vintage look of photos taken with a polaroid camera.
Oh, and I will probably take my digital camera with me to walk this afternoon. Even though it won't capture the light in the exact way I wish it would, there are too many pretty sights when I'm walking by lake.
25 March 2010
I call shotgun.
Is there anyone you wish you still had a chance with?
There are a couple of friends that I wish were still close at hand. Ya know, it’s hard when you grow up, move off, come back, and everyone’s having a time trying to create their own lives. We all become so very different. It’s strange.
What are you feeling right now?
I’m trying to mentally prepare for the next couple of months. Well, at least I’m trying to prepare myself for now until May 1st. That’s my friend, Cassie’s wedding. As maid of honor, I’ve got a lot on my plate from now until May 2nd. Namely a LARGE shower. I’m talking 250 guests.
Are you keeping a secret right now?
Hmm…kind of. A few people know about it though, so it isn’t a complete lie.
Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now?
Most definitely :) My Jacob’s it for me. He’s absolutely wonderful (I know that was incredibly sappy, but it’s the truth.)!
What was the last thing you ate?
Golden Grahams
What did you do today?I’ve been working working working. Not only working on stuff for my actual job BUT also throwing some things together for this bridal shower on Sunday.
Are you tired?
You don’t even know the half of it. But guess what? It’s a Grey's night. Oh, and lucky me has 2 papers to start working on. Yep, you guessed it. They’re both due smack dab in the middle of all this wedding stuff.
Take walks alone or with someone?
Both. I really enjoy walking with Merica and chatting it up for an entire 3 miles. I also LOVE walking by myself though. I will put the iPod in my ears and do a little jogging. I need to do more and more and more of it too!! And since it’s getting warmer outside, I believe it could become an everyday activity.
What did you last watch on the tv? Idol
You receive $50 without any reason, what do you spend it on?
I buy something from that new website I discovered this morning and previously mentioned in another blog post.
Have you ever thought about getting your tongue pierced?
negative. That’s disgusting.
Think back to last Valentine’s day. Were you in a relationship?
Yes ma’am.
Would you rather go to Africa or Paris for two weeks?
Africa! Especially if I could go right now. That’s where my Haley Bug is right now. I can’t even imagine the fun we could have if we were there together. I miss her like crazy.
If you had to get a piercing (not ears) what would you get?
If I HAD to, I would want to get my eyebrow pierced, I guess. If I HAD to.
Do you think you could be with someone for over four years?
That’s the plan. It’ll take shape in the form of marriage and happily ever after though.
What makes you happy?
This is such a broad question. I could probably talk for days about what makes me happy because I’m incredibly blessed. I’ll just list a few things. Here goes: a God who loved me enough to send his son, Jesus, to suffer a painful death on the cross in order to bring me new life in His resurrection. A life without sin, an eternal life…a boyfriend who loves me more than I ever thought a man could love a women and would do absolutely anything to make me happy…best friends who are there to keep me completely satisfied, supported, and entertained…music, MUSIC, music…shopping trips when I actually have money…clean sheets…doing laundry…rice with Dale’s sauce…a steak from Connor’s…a great action film…having the free time to fill out surveys like this…bargain shopping…$1 tee shirt bin at the local Piggly Wiggly…road trips with the people who make me happiest…weekends in Auburn…a good concert…dancing…and blogging. Like I said before, these don’t even chip the tip of the iceberg on all the things that bring me happiness.
Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Lots of em. See previous question.
What was the last song you listened to?
Rocksteady by Marc Broussard
23 March 2010
Jump Rope for Heart
Today was an absolutely GORGEOUS Spring day in Guntersville. The sun stayed out all day long, and the temperature stayed around 70 degrees. I'm telling you, it was fantastic!
After a fish fry (including homemade hushpuppies with jalapenos, slaw, and sweet potato fries) with my Gran, Aunt Karen, Uncle Rodney, and cousin Brooke, I felt like the day couldn't get better. Isn't it crazy how the weather can put you in a certain mood? Well, the sunshine made me estatic today!
I missed out on my walk, so I decided to jump rope when I got home from Gran's. It was exhilirating!! I suggest that anyone try jumping rope, even if it's just for a few minutes every day. I felt like I'd really gotten in a great workout!
Okay, it's Idol time now. : ) See? The day gets better and better.
Check out that link. I stumbled on the BEST handmade website...ever!! I can't wait until payday Friday. I'm definitely gonna order some stuff :)
Check out that link. I stumbled on the BEST handmade website...ever!! I can't wait until payday Friday. I'm definitely gonna order some stuff :)
Super Cool

22 March 2010
Being Broke
This whole not shopping/not having any money thing stinks. Granted, it isn't nearly as bad as I had first imagined it might be. I have always been addicted to shopping and realized that my well-being along with my pocketbook would both benefit if I tried to show a little restraint in that addiction. That being said, I'm continually 'window shopping' online. It helps to get rid of the cravings for a new outfit, handbag, or accessories. Here are a few things I'm currently wanting, but that my new practice for shopping won't allow: 

I really want to take cooking classes. I know, I know. Marriage is a while away for me, and I don't even have my own kitchen BUT I would love to be able to cook. Ya know, I would want everything to be organic and fresh. At least that's how I've always imagined it: me, little housewife and mom, cooking my family healthy, flavorful meals :)
Everything else on this list are purely selfish wants! haha Just in case you wondered.
And last, but definitely not least...MCAnnaD wants a miniature Schnauzer. Aren't they the most precious things in the WORLD?
...isn't it wild how one simple, tiny song can put you in an incredible mood?! Well, for me, that song is 'Elanor Rigby' by The Beatles. (Speaking of The Beatles, I've been considering here lately naming all my future children after people in Beatles songs. Either that or naming them all after States. haha) Yep, I'm serious. For some reason, the melody and harmonies in this song just get me pumped up. I am definitely most passionate about music and how it can move you. I think everyone should have a song that does that for them.
16 March 2010
All Dressed Up
I want a suit, but only if I can wear it just like Sandra Bullock in this photo. Classy but oh so casual...
15 March 2010
Music Makes Me Happy : )
These are a few of my most favorite song quotes at the moment. They brighten my day : )
I look around at what I got
And without you, it ain't a lot
But I got everything, with you, everything
And without you, it ain't a lot
But I got everything, with you, everything
from 'Get to Me' by Train
I’ll never let your head hit the bed without my hand behind it.
from 'Your Body is a Wonderland' by John Mayer
You are the best thing
That ever happened to me
from 'You are the Best Thing' by Ray LaMontagne
How dare you say that my behavior's unacceptable
So condescending, unnecessarily critical
I have the tendency of getting very physical
So watch your step cause if I do you'll need a miracle
So watch your step cause if I do you'll need a miracle
from 'Harder to Breathe' by Maroon 5
And I wouldn't change a thing
I'd walk right back through the rain
Back to every broken heart
On the day that it was breakin'
And I'd relive all the years
And be thankful for the tears
I've cried with every stumbled step
That led to you and got me here, right here
from 'Here' by Rascal Flatts
Cause all that matters is
All that matters is
I know your love has set me free
And that's all that matters to me
from 'All That Matters' by Addison Road
Come close listen to the story
About a love more faithful than the morning
The Father gave his only son just to save us
The earth was shaking in the dark
All creation felt the Father's broken heart
Tears were filling heaven's eyes
The day that true love died, the day that true love died
When blood and water hit the ground
Walls we couldn't move came crashing down
We were free and made alive
The day that true love died, the day that true love died
from 'True Love' by Phil Wickham
Looking at my Gucci - it's about that time
from 'Still Fly' by Big Tymers
Love isn't borrowed, we aren't promised tomorrow
We'll never be ready if we keep waiting
For the perfect time to come
Won't be steady, we'll never be ready
from 'Never Be Ready' by Mat Kearney
Thunder only happens when it's raining.
from 'Dreams' by Fleetwood Mac
Straight up out the water in my Marc Jacobs goggles.
from 'Championship Pop Bottles' by Birdman featuring Lil Wayne
This kind of love it's what I dreamed about
Yeah, it fills me up
Baby it leaves no doubt
from 'This Kind of Love' by Sister Hazel
We run on fumes
Your life and mine
Like the sands of time
Slippin' right on through
And our love's the only truth
That's why I run to you
from 'I Run to You' by Lady Antebellum
Control yourself
Take only what you need from it
A family of trees wanted to be haunted
from 'Kids' by MGMT
Say ooh girl, shock me like an electric eel
Baby girl, turn me on with your electric feel
from 'Electric Feel' by MGMT
Everyday is a chance for a new stance
Like every song is the beginning of a new dance
And everyone of us was made to reflect the light
And glorify the most high so bright
We got one world ‘til its time to fly
So it's one love ‘til we say goodbye
One world its enough to share
‘Til the king calls us home and we're caught up in the air
from 'One World' by tobyMac
And we are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
If His grace is an ocean, we're all sinking.
And heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest,
I don't have time to maintain these regrets,
When I think about, the way…
That He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
from 'How He Loves Us' by David Crowder Band
You and I were made to worship. You and I are called to love.
from 'Made to Worship' by Chris Tomlin
Jesus your name is power
Breath, and living water
from 'Revelation Song' by Kari Jobe
What makes you feel sexy?

Rascal Flatt's, 'Summer Nights' came on the iPod this morning on my adventure to work. I immediately thought about their concert that Jacob took me to a couple of weekends ago and pumped up the volume! 
There's a line in the chorus that says, "Summer Nights...everybody feelin' sexy. So holler if you're ready for those Summer nights." And this got me to thinking. I do, in fact, feel sexiest on a Summer night. There is nothing like a racerback tank. I practically live in those during the summer. I feel that the sexiest thing about me are my shoulders and collarbones. And summer's the perfect weather for displaying them!
12 March 2010
This weekend is gonna be one of renewal and cleansing for me. I’ve recently decided that I spend way too much money too frivolously. To start a new and keep from spending even more money, I cancelled a shopping trip with the bests for tonight. I mean, let’s face it. I’m practically broke anyways. I’ve got a lot on my plate financially right now. It just isn’t reasonable for me to spend my Friday night buying even more clothes to add to the growing collection that’s weighting my closet racks down (seriously, they’re sagging in the middle. Sad, right?).
So, you may wonder, ‘Did MCAnnaD just ditch Linds and Merica for the evening?’ Well, of course not! We’ve decided to have a complete girls’ night. It all kicks off at 6 tonight. We’re doing dinner at the Sicilian in Arab and following up with a gabfest at Linds’s. We’ll probably even end up breaking out the fingernail polish and giving ourselves pedicures (hint hint).
My ‘To Do’ list for the weekend is incredible. Don’t believe me? Just take a look here:
1. I’ve got to secure two dresses (preferably cocktail-esque) for a wedding Jacob and I have got to go to in Athens, Georgia next weekend. Girls’ night is going to carry over at Linds’s house after dinner. I’m bringing all the dress choices I already have, and I’m going to try on all of Linds’s dresses from her years as an ADPi. It’ll be like a mini runway show for Linds, Merica, and Lele. I’m overly confident in the fact that we’ll find two perfect dresses!
2. Clean out the closet…and when I say clean out, I mean take everything out, purge all the things I haven’t worn in a year or that are too small, and completely reorganize the set up of the closet.
3. I’m also going to clean out my jewelry box. The thing is stuff so full of necklaces on the side that the doors won’t close. Mom and I are gonna paint fashionable wall hooks to stick to the side of my bookshelf to hang the overflow necklaces on. In true MCAnnaD fashion, I’m gonna give the jewelry the same work over the closet got.
4. My chest of drawers and nightstand drawers also have to be cleaned out and organized.
5. I have to send Facebook messages to Jeselyn and Dee. Also, I’ve got to get a thread going for the people who are helping me with Cassie’s bridal shower. It’s only three weeks away!
6. I’ve got a lot of new tunes I wanna get downloaded. Gotta live in music this weekend!! It’s a great accessory for cleaning : )
7. Linds and I have a hair appointment date for 9 in the a.m. tomorrow.
8. Take dress back to the Belk Hudsons
9. Re-work my budget completely!! (This means less shopping, unfortunately : ( Hopefully this whole cleaning out the closet/jewelry box thing will help me to get a new outlook on how to fashion all my old clothes!!)
10. And, as is always needed, I’ve got to walk, walk, walk!! And not forget about the arms and sit-ups!!
11. Take two exams
See? MCAnnaD’s got a lot on her plate this weekend. Hopefully I can get it all done!!
So, you may wonder, ‘Did MCAnnaD just ditch Linds and Merica for the evening?’ Well, of course not! We’ve decided to have a complete girls’ night. It all kicks off at 6 tonight. We’re doing dinner at the Sicilian in Arab and following up with a gabfest at Linds’s. We’ll probably even end up breaking out the fingernail polish and giving ourselves pedicures (hint hint).
My ‘To Do’ list for the weekend is incredible. Don’t believe me? Just take a look here:
1. I’ve got to secure two dresses (preferably cocktail-esque) for a wedding Jacob and I have got to go to in Athens, Georgia next weekend. Girls’ night is going to carry over at Linds’s house after dinner. I’m bringing all the dress choices I already have, and I’m going to try on all of Linds’s dresses from her years as an ADPi. It’ll be like a mini runway show for Linds, Merica, and Lele. I’m overly confident in the fact that we’ll find two perfect dresses!
2. Clean out the closet…and when I say clean out, I mean take everything out, purge all the things I haven’t worn in a year or that are too small, and completely reorganize the set up of the closet.
3. I’m also going to clean out my jewelry box. The thing is stuff so full of necklaces on the side that the doors won’t close. Mom and I are gonna paint fashionable wall hooks to stick to the side of my bookshelf to hang the overflow necklaces on. In true MCAnnaD fashion, I’m gonna give the jewelry the same work over the closet got.
4. My chest of drawers and nightstand drawers also have to be cleaned out and organized.
5. I have to send Facebook messages to Jeselyn and Dee. Also, I’ve got to get a thread going for the people who are helping me with Cassie’s bridal shower. It’s only three weeks away!
6. I’ve got a lot of new tunes I wanna get downloaded. Gotta live in music this weekend!! It’s a great accessory for cleaning : )
7. Linds and I have a hair appointment date for 9 in the a.m. tomorrow.
8. Take dress back to the Belk Hudsons
9. Re-work my budget completely!! (This means less shopping, unfortunately : ( Hopefully this whole cleaning out the closet/jewelry box thing will help me to get a new outlook on how to fashion all my old clothes!!)
10. And, as is always needed, I’ve got to walk, walk, walk!! And not forget about the arms and sit-ups!!
11. Take two exams
See? MCAnnaD’s got a lot on her plate this weekend. Hopefully I can get it all done!!
March showers bring....???
You know what? I’m thankful for the rain. Seriously, I am. I know I’ve complained about it continually this week. And don’t get me wrong, I absolutely HATE that I haven’t been able to get out and walk for (today included) three days. I do see the rain as a good thing though. For many many reasons…
1. I see Christ in the rain. His never ending supply of rain (as it has seemed as of late) always reminds me that He is righteous and just to forgive me of my sins. I’m a girl who has known Christ since I was six. I’m talking…known Him personally. And ever since that time, I’ve still been a sinner. With my new life in Christ though, I’m renewed by God’s love and mercy every single day. The rain is so metaphoric for Christ’s action of washing away my sins. This is the number one reason I love the rain.
2. I live beside a wooded creek and across from the lake. Imagine walking out of my house during the morning. Now, imagine walking out of my house during the morning right after it’s rained. Everything’s still wet and really really green. Yep, that’s a pretty picture.
3. They always say April showers bring May flowers. So, does that mean that March showers bring Spring/Summer like weather? Because I’m beginning to really enjoy this change in temperature. Whether it’s raining or not, there’s no mistaking the excitement everyone’s catching because it’s mid 60s outside. For example, Brooke, Noah and I drove home from skits last night (this is around 8:30pm mind you) with the windows rolled down singing at the top of our lungs. And let me tell you this, it was comfortable!
4. Lastly, even though the rain keeps me from walking, it’s encouraged me to do other things to try and shape up. Case in point: HUGE exercise ball upon which I sit and do at least 100 sit-ups a day. Oh, and I’ve been working on my arms too : ) Just you wait! I’m gonna be in shape before we know it!!
10 March 2010
Rain rain go away...
09 March 2010
Okay, so I'm stuff in a current fashion rut. I really don't know what's going on. I, MCAnnaD, am usually just fine picking things out. In fact, I always greatly enjoy the combinations I put together. Hmm...I guess this just happens sometimes. You may ask, 'MCAnnaD, what are you going to do about your current predicament?' I'll tell you exactly what imma do...
MCAnnaD is going to spend her weekend cleaning out her closet.
I've already went thru Haley's closet. I mean, she's on a mission trip for a year. We're the exact same size. What better way to shop than in her closet? She was ahead of a lot of this year's current trends too. I got to stock up on belts and vest. All that being said, those clothes are currently taking up space in the floor. I'm talking a HUGE pile. The aforementioned activity should clear up space for me to get these things off the floor and into the closet.
This cleaning out the closet feeling has spurred in me the urge to 'Spring Clean!!' I fear that this weekend will also be spent going thru and straightening drawers and under my bathroom sink. :) I'm sure I'll feel even freer after this weekend, right? It frankly can't seem to get her soon enough.
Here's a list of things I'm currently loving (ya know, just for fun!):
~Ke$ha's 'Blah, Blah, Blah' featuring 3OH!3
~belts, of any material, style, or color
~pepperoni and pepperjack cheese sandwiches on a wheat bun
~WalMart brand sour cream & onion potato chips-They're seriously the best I've ever had of that flavor!!
~miniature schnauzers
~reading my bests' posts
~starting and finishing a new book in one day :)
~wasting the time away on the book of faces
~daily three mile walks along Lake Guntersville
~anything Marc Broussard, Ray LaMontagne, or David Gray have to say about love via song...they've just got it right!
~scripture dives that reveal things I JUST need to hear
~planned, laidback shopping trips with my bests
08 March 2010

Manic Monday
~Do you listen to sad music when you are sad?
Negative. I honestly don’t think I find music to be sad. Any of it. Music is always an upper for my personality.
~When your friends are in a bad mood, can you tell?
Duh. What kind of friend are you if you can’t?
~When is the last time you were truly happy?
I’m truly happy right now. Sure. There are things I want. Things that I believe could make my circumstances even happier, but I’m too incredibly blessed to concentrate on those things.
~Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else?
Negative. Kinda strange too. Mom and I usually shop in one another’s closets. I guarantee she’s wearing something right now that belongs to me.
~Did you have a good day yesterday?
Yesterday started out really well, but had a couple of low spots. I got to see my Jacob yesterday morning, but then I had to drive home from Auburn and leave him (low spot). I also had to forgo a nap for a baby shower (another low spot). I got a lot of school work accomplished. Most importantly, I had an excellent conversation with Jacob about some changes I’m about to make. I believe they’ll enhance our relationship and only bring us closer together. : )
~How old is the last person that you kissed on the lips?
He’s just barely 24.
~What's under your bed?
Empty luggage, scrap books, photo albums, miscellaneous junk (like old notes from middle and high school, corsage ribbons, etc.) Under my bed has become the prime location for closet overflow as of late.
~Are you afraid to stay home all alone?
Funny you should ask. It used to not bother me a single bit to be home alone. I actually relished in it. I’ve found that I’m much more relaxed at home when I’m there by myself. That being said, my parents went out of town recently and Noah stayed at Gran’s leaving me home alone, overnight, for three nights. I didn’t hardly sleep. I kept hearing all these noises. I probably made it all up in my head, right? Haha Needless to say, I no longer like being home alone overnight! I need a babysitter for those events.
~Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life?
Honestly, don’t we all hope that we have impacted someone for the better? That’s what being human, being able to love deeply and truly, and fulfilling God’s perfect will in our lives is all about.
~Do you want to get married?
Definitely. I am finally in a place, with the person I know I’m going to spend the rest of my life with, where I’m ready to make that commitment. As soon as it’s financially logical (aka we’re finished with school) it’ll happen.
~Did you have a dream last night?
Strangely enough, no. I usually dream all the time. It causes me to have restless nights where sleep is next to nonexistent. And recently, I’ve been having nightmares. Not cool, in case you were wondering. Last night though, I slept like a baby (and as far as I can remember, sleeping like a baby was wonderful).
~How many kids do you want to have?
I have the number 5 in my head for some reason. I like odd numbers.
~Were you happy when you woke up today?
Incredibly. I can’t even really explain to you why either. Other than the fact that God is soooo very good.
~Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
I’ve gone almost 24 years. So, yes.
~Did you sleep alone on New Year’s?
~Did you sleep alone on New Year’s?
Nope. I was in a house full of my bests : )
~What is the last text you received?
It’s from Merica…’yeah except I hate knee highs ick’
~What are you doing for your next birthday?
I don’t have a clue. I would love to have a destination weekend birthday celebration though since mine is on a Friday this year. (hint hint)
~Plans for tomorrow?
Hmm...tomorrow is Tuesday. I will work from 8 til 4:30, probably do a little 3 mile walk/jog, dinner with the familia, work on some homework, and watch Idol.
~Would you rather get a new puppy or a new car?
I would love a miniature schnauzer! I’d name him or her Max.
~What were you doing this morning at 7am?
I was in the shower, trying to figure out what I was going to wear to work today. I settled on my new shoes, jeans, a vneck orange tee, and lots of jewelry.
~The last time you were at the mall, what all did you get?
I honestly can’t remember the last time I was at the mall. Oh goodness, what’s wrong with me?! That’s how long it’s been since I’ve really shopped. I’m going to do a little retail therapy Friday with Merica and Linds. I’ve gotta get some wedding-in-March appropriate dresses.
~Do you have a tan?
That’s a negative, ghostrider. I’ve decided to try the whole ‘pale is the new tan’ look. What do ya think?
~Do you like calling or texting better?
~How do you feel right now?
I’m incredibly happy and having a great day. My head is starting to hurt a little though. It needs to STOP!
~What song did you hear last?
Johnny Cash by Jason Aldean
~Are you a fan of iced coffee?
I’m not a fan of coffee, period. I wish I could acquire the taste for it though. I feel like it could be, in some way, better for me than 4 cokes a day. Yep, I’ve got a problem.
~What are you plans for this weekend?
I’ve got a girl’s shopping trip Friday afternoon/night, hair appointment Saturday morning, and I’m gonna try and tackle my closet Saturday evening.
~Have you sat all the way through Gone with the Wind?
And read it over ten times. It’s my all time favorite movie and book. If I could ever go back to a time period…that’d be it. I mean, how much fun would hoop skirts and balls with a mandatory ‘nap time’ be?
05 March 2010
My sweet sweet sweet sweet, incredibly amazing boyfriend is taking me to see Rascal Flatts tonight!! :) I'm so very excited, I just about can't stand it. I mean, I couldn't even sleep last night. Seriously. I'm pretty pumped about the fact that Darius Rucker is opening up too. I've heard he plays LOTS of Hootie!! whoop whoop
04 March 2010
Knell is pretty good!
I'm a little behind posting this, but Mom surprised me Tuesday afternoon. She had bought me a Waxing Poetic charm necklace. It's just like this one...without the 'K'...add a key and a clear bauble. I've been wanting one of these for FOREVER, but because they were so expensive, I haven't gotten one yet. My mom can be absolutely precious when she wants to be! :)
02 March 2010
I'm craving...
...a little New York City. I'm talking in the near future. Trip planning mode will probably go into effect sometime this afternoon/tonight! :)
01 March 2010
Is there a better way to end a Monday?
Have you kissed someone in 2010 that means a lot to you?
It generally happens that way when you love the one you’re with.
How fast does your mood change?
Really? haha I am guessing my moods change at a normal pace considering the extenuating circumstances.
Do you like to sleep?
I didn’t use to. Now, it seems as though sleep is one of the things I just can’t get enough of.
Do you enjoy late night phone conversations?
Negative. If it’s late night the only thing Anna enjoys are the backs of her eyelids.
Your best friend tells you she's pregnant. What is your reaction?
Hmm…that would either be Merica, Linds, or Haley. If it were Merica, I would freak just a teensy bit, but then I would begin to plan Charisma Sparkles Shediamond Queens’s ballin’ shower. If it were Linds, I would have to ask who in the heck the daddy is. Is it Immaculate Conception?! And if it were Haley, I just wouldn’t believe it. I don’t really think God’s got that in store for her while she’s overseas doing missions. haha I mean, He could fool me, but I don’t think he would on this one.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
It’s quite possible.
Ever sang to the person you liked?
I sing to everyone. Seriously.
Do you have any plans for the day after tomorrow?
Let’s see. The day after tomorrow is Wednesday. I’ve got to work. It’s a court day, which usually proves to be very long and stressful. That night, I’ll probably work on homework and watch Idol with Mom.
Was last night terrible?
Hmm…I mean, last night wasn’t the greatest. I got a killer headache. We’re talking migraine proportions. Jacob had to leave and go back to Auburn. I always hate that. AND I found out I had a 14 page paper to complete and less than 2 hours to finish. I did it though. Gah, it sucked.
Will tomorrow be better than today
?Oh yeah. Tomorrow is one day closer to Friday and the Rascal Flatts concert!!! :)
Would you ever take up photography as a career?
If I were good enough, I would definitely consider it. I love taking pictures. I’m just not in the know on all the editing and lighting and staging aspects of the sport.
Will this coming up weekend be a good one?You know it! Jacob and I are going to see Rascal Flatts in Columbus, GA. Then we’re helping Katherine celebrate her birthday on Saturday night. It should promise to be a great weekend.
Are your nails painted?
Easter egg purple-I actually discovered in church, Sunday, that they’re the same color as the grape Runts.
Do you and your friends normally say you love one another?
I always tell my friends I love them. Sometimes, I believe they are caught a little off guard by it.
When was the last time you checked your weight?
Hmm…I’m not really one of those weight checker people. I believe in better myself, but weight is only a number.
How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had in 2010?
Can you curse around your parents?
Funny you should ask that. Haha I normally curse around Mom just because it aggravates her. It always gives me a laugh.
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