Oh, and there better be plenty of hydrangeas for me to stare at in the Spring/Summer. :)
25 February 2010
Blah Blah Blah
*Where were you last night?
I was at Merica’s for a while. We walked the hills in her neighborhood. The rest of my evening was spent at the Point of Grace for praise band practice and then at home.
*Last place you went to eat?
Like out to eat? Hmm…that was Papa Dubi’s.
*What are you listening to?
On My Highway by Jason Aldean
*Plans tonight?
Knell and I are going to see Godspell at the high school. I’m sooooo excited!!
*What are you thinking about right now?
I’m wishing it was tomorrow night, about 9 pm, and I was with Jacob.
*What's your favorite hobbie?
I have to say it’s reading. Whether that mean reading books, or magazines, or blogs :)
*What are you wearing?
I’m pretty excited about my outfit today! I’ve been experimenting with different clothing combinations lately. I’ve got on brown leather boots, brown leggings, gray skirt, oatmeal tank layered under a blue tank and brown cardigan, belted at the empire with a skinny brown leather belt. I topped the outfit off with turquoise jewelry.
*What have you always WANTED to do?
Go to Australia. As of late though…I’ve gotten the hankering to go to Greece.
*Are you always in a hurry?
Sometimes, I believe the word ‘hurry’ was created just for MCAnnaD. I love for things to be done fast. I’m one of those people who annoyingly crave instant gratification on each and everything I want or do.
*How many months until your birthday?
*Are you excited for the future?
You better believe it. :) I’m especially excited about the next couple of years.
*Have you ever dated a twin?
I’ve actually date two twins. No, they weren’t brothers.
*Who was the last person to actually pick you up in the air?
Jacob. He tends to do that quite often now when he goes in for a kiss.
*Would you rather take a cruise to the Bahamas or spend 2 weeks in Europe?
I would much rather take the 2 weeks in Europe. Imagine all the things there are to do. I mean, a cruise just seems to limitless to me.
*Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
I’m gonna have dinner with Erica and Jamie after work, and then I’m hanging with Jacob!
*How much money did you spend today?
$44 I bought stamps for Cassie’s bridal shower invitations.
24 February 2010
Marc Jacobs Goggles...sort of.
23 February 2010
We Should All Encounter a Divine Romance
These are the words of David Crowder's 'Divine Romance...'
The fulness of your grace is here with me
The richness of Your beauty's all I see
The brightness of your glory has arrived
In your Presence God, I'm completely Satisfied
For you I sing I dance
Rejoice in this Divine Romance
Lift my heart and my hands
To show my love, to show my love
A deep deep flood, an ocean flows from you
Of deep deep love, yeah its filling up the room
Your innocent blood, has washed my Guilty life
In your Presence God, I'm completely Satisfied
For you I sing I dance
Rejoice in this Divine Romance
Lift my heart and my hands
To show my love, to show my love
David Crowder's song perfectly describes the kind of love relationship we are destined to have with Christ. Just so you know :)
The fulness of your grace is here with me
The richness of Your beauty's all I see
The brightness of your glory has arrived
In your Presence God, I'm completely Satisfied
For you I sing I dance
Rejoice in this Divine Romance
Lift my heart and my hands
To show my love, to show my love
A deep deep flood, an ocean flows from you
Of deep deep love, yeah its filling up the room
Your innocent blood, has washed my Guilty life
In your Presence God, I'm completely Satisfied
For you I sing I dance
Rejoice in this Divine Romance
Lift my heart and my hands
To show my love, to show my love
David Crowder's song perfectly describes the kind of love relationship we are destined to have with Christ. Just so you know :)
22 February 2010
X-man or X-woman...I guess I should say...
My blog followers know me. They're my two very best friends. So, they already know that when I talk about Haley, I'm talking about my cousin who's a missionary. Wow. That's the first time I've actually said it. Haley's a missionary. This thought warms my heart. It's kind of crazy. Growing up, we both became Christians at a really young age, and we were both in church every time the doors were open. Neither one of us could have imagine that God would have her traveling all over the world telling people about His love for them.
This brings me to Andrew. He was one of Jesus's disciples. Let me just go ahead and throw down a load of scripture at you. It's a passage (my Bible happens to be The Message: Remix) from John 1:35-42...
This brings me to Andrew. He was one of Jesus's disciples. Let me just go ahead and throw down a load of scripture at you. It's a passage (my Bible happens to be The Message: Remix) from John 1:35-42...
The next day John (being John the Baptist) was back at his post with two disciples, who were watching. He looked up and saw (in the Hebrew...this word for 'saw' means 'to stare' or 'seeing someone like you're looking thru them') Jesus walking nearby, and said, "Here He is, God's Passover Lamb." The two disciples heard him and went after Jesus. Jesus looked over his shoulder (the NIV version uses the word 'saw' here) and said to them, "Where are you after?" They said, "Rabbi" (which means "Teacher"), "where are you staying?" He replied, "Come along and see for yourself." They came, saw where he was living, and ended up staying with him for the day. It was late afternoon when this happened. Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, was one of the two who heard John's witness and followed Jesus. The FIRST thing he did after finding where Jeseus lived was FIND HIS OWN BROTHER, SIMON, TELLING HIM. "We've found the Messiah." He immediately LED him to Jesus.
So, from this passage, we see that Andrew's life had four points:
1.) Andrew was found
2.) Andrew followed
3.) Andrew came to faith in Jesus
4.) Andrew became a fisherman (rather a fisher of men)
Don't you see? Andrew was the one who led his brother, Peter, to Christ. Peter! The favorite disciple. Can you imagine? If it weren't for Andrew, Peter may have never loved and served Christ as fully as he did. And guess what? In John 6:8-9, Andrew was the one who led the little boy with five loaves of barely and two fish to Christ. AND In John 12:22, Andrew leads a bunch of Greeks to Christ. I mean, Andrew really had this fisherman thing down. He say that his will in life was to lead people to Christ, and he did just that.
Historians tell us that Andrew eventually traveled to Ethiopia to spread the gospel there and lead people to Christ. Lawful authority didn't like his preaching, asked him to stop, and when Andrew wouldn't, they arrested him. Like his brother, Peter, Andrew was to be crucified. And like his brother, Peter, Andrew didn't want to die in the same way Jesus did. He asked that they crucify him on a cross in the shape of an 'X.'
It makes me cry tears of joy when I realize that Haley, MY Haley Bug, is just like Andrew. She's living her life like a true X-woman; leading people to Christ. Whether she's in South America, Asia, or in Africa (where she'll be next month) like Andrew was, she's allowing God to fulfill his perfect will in her life.
17 February 2010
It's been awhile...
I'm very ready for the weekend to get here. I'm going to Auburn with the bests to hang with my Jacob and all his bests. It's promising to be a GREAT time :)
~Have you ever kissed underneath the stars at night?
Hmm…I’m sure I have. I can’t really recall a specific time that happened though. I do remember the first time I kissed Jacob though. It was snowing, 2am, and freezing! It was so great though, that I can’t even really remember any of my other first kisses.
~What are you supposed to be doing right now?
I should be going thru probation profiles to check and see who has failed on their payments. I don’t really feel like it though. I’m too busy trying to visualize my wardrobe for the weekend.
~ Are you happy with the way things are going?
I’m happy with the way things are going for me in general, yes. I have a wonderful family, the best friends a girl could ask for, a good job, and an incredible boyfriend.
~Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
None of the above. I’ve got on dress pants.
~What were you doing at 2am last night?
…sleeping to dream about you…
~Do you like the snow?
Ya know, I’ve never really been able to experience snow up until this past week. I mean, sure. There was a ‘blizzard’ of 3ft of snow in ’93, but I was only 6. I don’t remember it very well. After these past couple of snowy weeks, I’ve decided that I love snow, so long as it’s still safe to drive around.
~What are some of the lyrics to the song your listening to?
‘…sitting on the porch drinking ice cold Cherry Coke…’
~Are you a blood donor?
Needles don’t bother me, even a little bit. I try to donate blood every chance I get.
~Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
Never have I ever even smoked one.
~What are you looking forward to most in the next 4 months?
Hmm…let’s see. The next 4 months include March, April, May, and June. In March, Jacob and I are going to see Rascal Flatts and Sister Hazel. We also have a wedding in Athens, Georgia in the middle of the month. April brings Cassie’s bachelorette trip and a Mofro concert in Tuscaloosa. Then, to top it all off, Cassie’s getting married May 1st. It should be a FANTASTIC next 4 months.
~If you were pregnant how long would you wait to tell your dad?
I’m not pregnant. But if that were to happen, I’m sure I’d tell the parentals pretty soon. I seem to do that anyways.
~Have you ever dated two people at once?
Guilty. They weren’t serious relationships though, so I don’t think there is anything wrong with it.
~What was the last thing you had to drink?
Coca Cola Classic
~Who is your last received call from?
09 February 2010
What Not to Wear? I Don't Think So!
Okay, so I have to admit, I'm a bit of a fashion fanatic. I pore over the Style section at People.com and countless magazines just to see the latest trends. I consider myself to have a style all my own. And whether or not I follow the latest fads, I still get a kick out of discovering new fads each and every month. My dream job would be to personally shop and dress people. The clientel just isn't that great for it around here. These are a few trends that I have found...and love:
black and white dresses
Blazers-Actually, I enjoy every piece Lauren Conrad's wearing in this photo. I would secretly love to sport a pair of leather leggings, but who knows how well that will go over in Guntersville.
Braided Crowns
digital print dresses
nude lips
I totally love the fact that peacocks prints are in style. I love this dress!
raspberry dresses
red tights
ruffled whit tops with black skirts
sequined mini dresses
Who would have thought?
What happened at 10:00 am today?
We were getting ready to have court for the inmates.
Where would you like to live in the future?
Hmm…if you had asked me this question a year ago, I would say Guntersville. Now, I know that I probably won’t be in Marshall County, but pretty close by :)
Would you be able to date someone who doesn't make you laugh?
Seriously? What is a significant other if they can’t make you laugh? Laughter prolongs life. It’s a must for a successful relationship.
Last night you felt?
Elated. I’m happier now than I’ve ever been.
Could you handle living together with the last person who texted you?
haha…most definitely. Merica and I actually lived together in Auburn. She’s a great roommate.
Would you rather pierce your lip or tongue?
I would rather die. Haha Seriously, I’d choose lip. A tongue ring is very offensive, not to mention disgusting.
What was the last thing that someone purchased for you?
Jacob got Rascal Flatts tickets for March 5th!! : )
Have you ever hugged someone named Joe?
Yep yep yep
Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
I like cold weather clothes, but I prefer being warm.
Did you mean it when you said "I love you" to the last person?
with everything I am…
Last thing you listened to?
‘Hello Seattle’- Owl City
Last thing you put in your mouth?
Smarties sweetheart
What are your plans for this weekend?
See my previous post!
Do you wear eyeliner?
Normally every day. I look dead without it.
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Morning…ask anyone who knows me.
Were you single for your last birthday?
That’s right.
You can get a puppy or a new car. Which do you choose?
Puppy…a mini schnauzer :)
Name something great that will happen in the next few weeks:
Let’s see…where to start? Haha I will be in Auburn the next two weekends and then March is gonna be a GREAT month. We’re going to see Rascal Flatts, Sister Hazel, and we’ve got a wedding in Athens, GA. I’m excited!!
Do you find it in your heart to forgive?
I believe that forgiveness is the most important action we can practice besides love.
Can you go a day without music?
I just about can’t go a breath without music.
Is it Friday yet?
I'm so anxious for the weekend to get here. I'm going to Auburn to see Jacob :) Everytime we leave each other, it feels like an eternity before the next weekend gets here and we get to see one another again. Ever had that feeling? haha I call it love. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy to be in love and have someone who returns it! I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though the feeling of seperation may suck, in a way, it doesn't. And we can blame that on the fact that love covers all other feelings. At least, that's the way it works for me.
Anyways, back to the weekend. I'm soooo ready for it to be Friday! We're planning a movie night. I'm talking sweats, Space Jam, Zombieland, and cuddling. Saturday, his fam will be down for Haley's showchoir competition at Opelika High School. I'm very excited about a day of singing and dancing! I'm most excited about the weekend because I get to finish it up with sleeping realllly late on Sunday and having lunch at Loco's. The more Merica talks about Loco's, the more I miss it!
Oh, and Auburn's supposed to get a little bit of snow Saturday. Wouldn't it make the best pictures to see Samford lawn covered in snow?
05 February 2010
I want it all...and I want it now!
I try my hardest to be a good blogger. I know that I'm nowhere near GREAT as far as my blogging skill goes, but I figure with practice...I have to get better. In the same style as Merica who writes Strawberry Fields, I figured out my most current wants this afternoon in my downtime. They are as follows... 

MCAnnaD's currently cellular device has been thru the ringer. I have decided that along with a new phone (preferably a Driod), I will also finally get off my parent's phone plan and start paying for my own. Big girl job means big girl payments and responsibilities.
I know it's a little late in the season, but I've been dying for some over-the-knee boots. Besides, they should be on sale now!
I have yet to secure myself a bib necklace, but I feel like it's a definite must.
You all know how much Anna loves giraffes, right? This necklace is not only affordable, but it's adorable!!
I want to go back and see the moss covered trees in Savannah, Georgia so bad I nearly can't stand it. I've recently discussed getting a trip together with a group of friends for Spring Break, but I don't think we're going to be able to time things right. Maybe we can all take a trip this summer. Savannah's such a beautiful place!

My last want for the day was to talk to my Haley bug. Guess what? She just called. They were about to get on a bus leaving Cambodia to travel to Bangkok, Thailand. You know what that means? I get to Skype her tomorrow morning! I'm so ready to see her pretty face! It totally made my day getting to hear her raspy little familiar voice.
Time is on my side...
Let's be honest, the last person you texted is...
Merica...She and I were making plans for tomorrow night’s festivities.
What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
I was clocking in at work and making sure I can take half the day off on March 5th. Jacob’s got something up his sleeve.
What color hair do you find the most attractive on a guy?
I like a guy with dark hair.
What do you hear right now?
Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) by Chris Tomlin, the rain, and the sound of Amanda removing staples
Do you sleep with the door open or closed?
Do you sleep with the door open or closed?
Closed. It’s very weird to me to sleep with the door open.
Do you currently have any hickeys?
Negative. I believe that hickeys are the trashiest things one could accessorize with.
Will you ever get a tattoo?
I have actually thought about it several times. If I ever did, I’d get a small simple purple cross on my side.
How many pairs of Converse do you own? What do they look like?
I don’t have a pair YET. I do want some though. Probably just basic black.
Dinosaurs or Unicorns?
Dinosaurs. Hello? Have you ever seen Jurassic Park or Land Before Time? They’re both favorites of mine. And let’s not forget the tv series, Dinosaurs. ‘Not the mama! Not the mama!’ I loved that show!
What is your favorite musical?
Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out?
Oh yes. I use to camp out in Libby’s back yard every weekend. I also spent 2 weeks at the State Park a couple of summers ago. And when I was little, I used to make ‘tents’ under the dining room table.
Do you watch the Olympics?
I watch Michael Phelps. :)
Are drummers, guitarists, or bassists more attractive to you?
Come on. Any girl would have to admit that a musician just has an appeal. They usually turn out to be the worst companions though. It’s as if they’re doing too much soul searching or something.
Why aren't you in bed?
Why aren't you in bed?
Gotta make that paper, boo boo.
Do you ever buy the same shirt in different colors?
All the time. I mean, if you find something you like, why not?
Who was the last person to comfort you?
Jacob. He’s good like that.
Are you currently wearing any socks?
If it’s not summertime, then I ALWAYS have on socks.
What do they look like?
What do they look like?
They’re grey and purple argyle.
What's the closest thing to your right hand?
the computer mouse
When was the last time you made a wish?
I’m not normally one to wish. I always voice my wants and do what I have to do to achieve them.
Do you think that in the end, everything will fall into place?
Oh most definitely. God’s got a perfect plan for each of us. If we live according to His will, everything will work out.
Do you like mayonnaise?
Funny you should ask. It’s the one thing I absolutely HATE.
When was the last time you went out in the rain?
When was the last time you went out in the rain?
I had to unfortunately go out in it today to get to work.
Have you ever seen a Tim Burton movie, like Coraline, 9, etc.?
Nightmare Before Christmas…and I absolutely can’t wait to see his adaptation of Alice in Wonderland.
Do you keep 3D glasses after you've left the movie theatre?
Do you keep 3D glasses after you've left the movie theatre?
Do you like cats?
I love cats.
Do you really miss someone right now?
I really really really do. I get to see my Jacob this afternoon though…around 5:30ish. : )
What was the last rule you broke?
Last weekend, in Tuscaloosa, Jacob, Linds, Evan and I definitely did quite a few illegal things. I think we ended the count at 7.
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
Oh yes. I plan on sleeping as laaaate as possible. Saturday is my only sleep late day.
What's your relationship with the last person you kissed?
We’re in love :)
Have you ever fired a gun?
Oh yeah. I actually enjoy participating in the sport.
What's better, beautiful eyes or a beautiful smile?
I’m pretty big on eyes.
Are you listening to music right now?
Of course. I’m Anna, right?
If you won a lot of money in the lottery, what would you buy first?
I would build the Point of Grace a new church.
Would you rather have 10 kids, or none?
Ten kids would be a BIG undertaking, but I’d rather be stressed and poor than to have no children.
She's back!!
Well, she's back in Bangkok at least! And this means, my Haley has internet service again!! I can't express how incredibly excited I am about talking to her this weekend!! It's been a month since I saw her (via Skype) or got to communicate with her in any form. Here she is with some Cambodian kids...
01 February 2010
And the winner is...
Okay. So you watched the Grammy's last night, right? Well, no matter who the winners ended up being...I had my own picks for the evening. This is how I think the winning list should have rolled out:
Best Dressed-Carrie Underwood-I mean, come on. That woman ALWAYS looks flawless.
Favorite Performance-This was an easy win. Hands down, Lady Gaga and Elton John
Favorite Presenter-Gotta have a tie for this one. Everyone knows I LOVE love love love Seal, but I also enjoyed Quentin Tarantino's presentation for 'Forever' by Drake, Lil Wayne, and Eminem.
Record of the Year-'Use Somebody' Kings of Leon
Album of the Year-Fearless by Taylor Swift
Song of the Year-'Use Somebody'
Best New Artist-MGMT (Who doesn't love them?!)
Best Rap/Song Collaboration- 'Dead and Gone' T.I. and Justin Timberlake
Best Rap Album-Relapse-Eminem
Best Female Country Vocal Performance-'Just A Dream'-Carrie Underwood
Best Country Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals-'I Run to You'-Lady Antebellum
Best Gospel Song-'City on Our Knees'-TobyMac
I'm on call...to be there.
Do you think you'll ever be in love?Do I think I’ll ever? Pssh…I am so in love right now! :)
Do you miss anyone?I miss my Jacob. Oh, and I miss Haley. She’s in Cambodia right now, and I haven’t been able to talk to her since early January.
What are you listening to?Of Moons, Birds, and Monsters by MGMT
If you could be anywhere, where would you choose to be?Anywhere at all? I’d love to be in NYC right now, but if and only if I could bring Linds, Ev, Merica, Dee, and Jacob with me.
Did you laugh at all today?I try and laugh every day. It prolongs life.
Who was the last person you had a serious conversation with?Merica and I try to have at least one of those a day.
What color are your sheets?cream colored…and oh so soft!
Are you clumsy?Have you met me yet?
What made you start liking the person your currently into?We stayed up the night we met until 6 o’clock the next morning…just talking. I loved the fact that I could have intelligent conversation with him.
What will you be doing tonight?MCAnnaD will be rockin ‘The Other Boelyn Girl.’ I know, I’m really behind on the current reading crazes. School makes that hard to keep up with. Oh, and I might watch a little One Tree Hill and start a photo project.
Will you be up before 7am tommorow?I surely will. The alarm goes off at 6:45am every morning.
Do you believe that there's good in everybody?Most definitely. We were all created in God’s image. God is good.
If there were no letters on the keys on your keyboard could you still type?Oh yes. Mrs. Mitchell taught me how to do that in 9th grade.
In the past week have you cried?I cried Saturday.
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?Jacob Scott Russell
If a guy/girl put their jacket on a puddle for you, would you actually walk on it?I wouldn’t let it get that far. There’s absolutely no need for someone to put a jacket over a puddle. Then you’ve got the dilemma of having a soaking wet, not to mention dirty, article of clothing that you have to keep up with for the rest of the day/evening. While very chivalrous, it’s an illogical act.
What distance would you go to see someone you really liked?Anywhere. It happens.
Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your own bed?…on an air mattress in Linds’s living rom.
Do you watch MTV anymore?I can’t even tell you which channel it is on.
So, what do you want for your birthday?I want to have a either a ballin’ THEMED party or a trip with the friends somewhere.
If you had to choose what your mother would wear for the rest of her life, would you?Oh yes, most definitely. I would love to make a career out of dressing people. I feel as though eventually opening a boutique is going to be the closest I’ll get to doing that.
If your best-friend told you that she was going to get a new haircut, that you thought was ugly, would you try to tell her not to?Of course. I’m always honest. No matter what.
Do you think this year will be better than the last?Most definitely. This year has already proved itself better.
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