I try my hardest to be a good blogger. I know that I'm nowhere near GREAT as far as my blogging skill goes, but I figure with practice...I have to get better. In the same style as Merica who writes Strawberry Fields, I figured out my most current wants this afternoon in my downtime. They are as follows... 

MCAnnaD's currently cellular device has been thru the ringer. I have decided that along with a new phone (preferably a Driod), I will also finally get off my parent's phone plan and start paying for my own. Big girl job means big girl payments and responsibilities.
I know it's a little late in the season, but I've been dying for some over-the-knee boots. Besides, they should be on sale now!
I have yet to secure myself a bib necklace, but I feel like it's a definite must.
You all know how much Anna loves giraffes, right? This necklace is not only affordable, but it's adorable!!
I want to go back and see the moss covered trees in Savannah, Georgia so bad I nearly can't stand it. I've recently discussed getting a trip together with a group of friends for Spring Break, but I don't think we're going to be able to time things right. Maybe we can all take a trip this summer. Savannah's such a beautiful place!

My last want for the day was to talk to my Haley bug. Guess what? She just called. They were about to get on a bus leaving Cambodia to travel to Bangkok, Thailand. You know what that means? I get to Skype her tomorrow morning! I'm so ready to see her pretty face! It totally made my day getting to hear her raspy little familiar voice.
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