Want to get my hair cut like this!! The boyfriend has nixed that idea though. So for now, looking at pictures will have to suffice :(
29 April 2010
28 April 2010
It's just been one of those days.
When you're telling a story, do you add a lot of detail or do you just get down to the point?
I’m a details kind of gal. End of story. The more descriptive, the better.
Do you think that you will be in a relationship three months from now?
Duh, sex (in the words of Kelsie Ragsdale).
When was the last time your picture was taken?
The last time? Hmm…right before Haley’s prom a couple of weekends ago. I had a terrible rash covering my face (blame allergies) and looked absolutely horrible. I hope she definitely DELETES that photo! haha
Would you rather spend a Friday night at a concert or a crazy party?
concert. I love love LOVE me some music…especially when it’s live.
Do you think that you will be married by the time you're 25?
Hmm…that’s just a year. I would say no. Jacob and I won’t get married until he finishes grad school.
What last made you angry?
We won’t get into that. Let it just suffice to say that I’m very ready for this weekend to be over.
Can you honestly say that at this point in time that you're happy with the way things are?
Oh yes! I’m happier than I’ve ever been : )
If you could move somewhere else, would you?
If I could move somewhere else right now, I’d wanna be with Jacob.
What was the last thing that someone bought you?
Jacob bought me lunch AND a movie on Sunday.
What hobby have you always wanted to pick up?
I’d love to know how to play the banjo AND quilt.
Would you ever live with any of your best friends?
Been there, done that. We should have tie-dyed tshirts!!
Are you a patient person?
You must not know me.
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
I have on a cardigan from GAP, a tank from Target, and a tank from Old Navy.
Who did you last send a text message to?
If you had to choose between a million dollars or be able to change a regret?
I’d take the money…any day.
Have you ever just laid down outside and stared at the stars?
It’s actually a favorite summer pastime of mine.
Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
What are your plans for the weekend?
Cassie’s getting married…I’ll be playing maid of honor.
How's your heart lately?
This is a ridiculously dumb question. It’s beating. Is yours?
Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough?
Honestly, I order my Blizzard with EXTRA raw cookie dough.
Do you crack your knuckles?
It’s a HORRIBLE habit, but I do it constantly.
Where do you wanna live when you get older?
Huntsville area
Will you be up before seven am tomorrow?
Most definitely. I’ll be at work then!
What were you doing thirty minutes ago?
eating leftover smoked sausage with peppers, onions, and rice YUMMY!! : )
Do you listen to music every day?
It’s my passion.
What is your favorite color?
I really like brown and purple.
What was the last movie you watched?
The Losers-it was GREAT!
What are you doing tomorrow?
Working from 7-4:30, then we’re having a girls’ night (Linds, Merica, and Lele)
What are you currently looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to next week. Maybe even the week after next…I can’t really decide which is more appealing.
Was your last kiss standing up, sitting down, or lying down?
Standing up, I was leaving Auburn :(
What would you name your daughter?
Oh goodness…I have LOTS of girl names, some with middle names, some without. Here goes: Israel Lynn (we’d call her Izzy or Izzy Lynn), Parker Kate, Smith, Lucy, Zella, Carolina, AND I would really love twin girls to name Eleanor (Elle) and Mackenzie (Mack)-after my favorite Beatles song, ‘Eleanor Rigby.’
Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night because of a bad dream?
You should really read my previous blog posts.
Guess what?
I definitely purchased some lavender oil last night!! AND...
I slept thru the whole night!!!!
I'm talking, I didn't even wake up, not even once. It was absolutely incredible. Thank you calming effects of lavender!
I needed to hear this today!
Mom sent me an email this morning with some truthful words of wisdom from Colt McCoy's father, Brad...
"Be a Leader" He stated that we are surrounded by such a great cloudof witnesses - great leaders that we can draw from and that our kids can draw from. He said we are all at the mercy of time and money and asked a rhetoricalquestion: How do you spend your time and money. He then said that how we spend our time and money is a direct reflection on where our true priorities lie.Convicting! He then said as a leader that he has always loved the quote by Ghandi (even though he didn't ascribe to all of Ghandi's beliefs): "I will not let anyone walk through my mind with dirty feet." He said that as he taught this principle to his three boys that Colt McCoy turned this phrase into his ownwords: "Thoughts become things." Colt would tell his younger brothers as he mentored them, " You can't talk like that or think like that, because thoughts become things that play themselves out in your life."
27 April 2010
I'm loving...
...these current trends. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up a couple of trendy items on my shopping adventure this afternoon!
black lace dresses
braided ponytails
I am normally not a denim on denim gal, but I love a chambray top with dark jeans!
denim moto jackets
blazers with floral dresses
geometric sandals
navy shadow
romantic updos
sequined skirts
So, my tornado dreams have continued every night (except for Friday and Saturday) without end. And the devastating tornado that hit Albertville this past weekend didn't help matters any.
Also, I dreamed the night before last that I had cancer in my leg, but I couldn't tell anyone about it. It was so incredibly scary!
I've gotta figure out what all these dreams mean. I have really just got to start being able to sleep thru the entire NIGHT. My energy's been horribly low. I am journeying to Huntsville tonight. Hopefully I'll get some lavendar bath salts or something to put under my pillow.
Also, I dreamed the night before last that I had cancer in my leg, but I couldn't tell anyone about it. It was so incredibly scary!
I've gotta figure out what all these dreams mean. I have really just got to start being able to sleep thru the entire NIGHT. My energy's been horribly low. I am journeying to Huntsville tonight. Hopefully I'll get some lavendar bath salts or something to put under my pillow.
22 April 2010
Oh yeah...
First, I’m listening to one of my current favorite songs, ‘Fugitive’ by David Gray.
Today’s post will surely prove to be mostly a random jumble of my thoughts. I mean, CRAZINESS. Haha I haven’t really had all that much time to blog lately due to the fact that this week and next week are jam packed full of important stuff. Even though it probably doesn’t seem like much to everyone else…here’s what this week and my coming week have shown and continue to show as far as scheduling is concerned.
And never fear, I’m gonna back track to the beginning of my week.
1. Sunday 4/18- I woke up to get ready for church and couldn’t breathe, had an itchy face, AND I was nauseous. Jacob came over after lunch and tried to cheer me up with a movie, 2012. It was just alright. Very interesting AND it will make your mind spin in directions it may have not previously spun. Jacob then said his goodbyes (he had to go back to Auburn :( ), and I began my TEN, yes TEN, page paper that was due that evening by midnight. I got the paper finished, took a Benadryl, and fell asleep watching the CMA’s.
2. Monday 4/19-I woke up, still feeling pretty crummy, and went to work sans makeup. Delana got a call around 11 telling us that Hospice had left DB and Karen’s house. We knew that DB didn’t have much time left. Delana left, and I continued to work. After work, I took Gran to get some FREE Chic-fil-a. I then spent the evening in a state of complete unproductivity. (DB died that afternoon.)
3. Tuesday 4/20-Haley called me, and it was the HIGHLIGHT of my day! :) I was informed at work that I had been asked to sing at DB’s funeral the following day. I left work early, went home and changed, drove to Scottsboro to the funeral home, then came back home to practice.
4. Wednesday 4/21-I got to sleep until 9am this morning! After getting ready, I went to get Gran, met Mom at the middle school, and we rode to the funeral in Scottsboro. After the 2.5 hour funeral, we rode to the gravesite. We were told it was in Ft. Payne, but in all actuality, the cemetery was in the Fischer community. After I got home yesterday afternoon, I took two finals and went to bed.
5. Thursday 4/22-After work today, I have to take another final and retake one I took last night. I also have to pack and then run to Jacob’s to get some stuff he left at the parental this past weekend. Then…eventually, I’m hanging with Merica and Linds.
6. Friday 4/23-(everything from this point on becomes a list) Work til 4:30, drive to Auburn thru Dega traffic, and hang with Jacob
7. Saturday 4/24- A day with my love!
8. Sunday 4/25-First Baptist Opelika, contemporary service @ 9:45, a lazy afternoon with Jacob, then driving home thru Dega traffic
9. Monday 4/26-work, Financial Management and Operations Management finals
10. Tuesday 4/27-Thursday 4/29-get prepared for Cassie’s wedding
11. Friday 4/30-Cassie’s rehearsal and dinner
12. Saturday 5/1-Cassie’s wedding
See? That’s a lot going on. A lot of MAJOR stuff, actually. I really can’t wait for the next week to be OVER. I know that may sound harsh and cruel, considering my good friend is getting married, but it’s true. After May 1st, my life can return to a laid back pace. Hopefully.
I learned something yesterday. Not everyone knows what respect is. In the funeral procession from Scottsboro to Fort Payne, several people either passed our procession OR got in line with the procession in order to go thru red lights. I found that incredibly RUDE. Then, I noticed a man who stopped mowing his yard as we passed and a lady who quit planting in her garden to bow her head and pray. Why can’t the world be full of people like that man and woman?
Also, I have a headache. Pshh…I really wish time would fly pretty quickly.
Today’s post will surely prove to be mostly a random jumble of my thoughts. I mean, CRAZINESS. Haha I haven’t really had all that much time to blog lately due to the fact that this week and next week are jam packed full of important stuff. Even though it probably doesn’t seem like much to everyone else…here’s what this week and my coming week have shown and continue to show as far as scheduling is concerned.
And never fear, I’m gonna back track to the beginning of my week.
1. Sunday 4/18- I woke up to get ready for church and couldn’t breathe, had an itchy face, AND I was nauseous. Jacob came over after lunch and tried to cheer me up with a movie, 2012. It was just alright. Very interesting AND it will make your mind spin in directions it may have not previously spun. Jacob then said his goodbyes (he had to go back to Auburn :( ), and I began my TEN, yes TEN, page paper that was due that evening by midnight. I got the paper finished, took a Benadryl, and fell asleep watching the CMA’s.
2. Monday 4/19-I woke up, still feeling pretty crummy, and went to work sans makeup. Delana got a call around 11 telling us that Hospice had left DB and Karen’s house. We knew that DB didn’t have much time left. Delana left, and I continued to work. After work, I took Gran to get some FREE Chic-fil-a. I then spent the evening in a state of complete unproductivity. (DB died that afternoon.)
3. Tuesday 4/20-Haley called me, and it was the HIGHLIGHT of my day! :) I was informed at work that I had been asked to sing at DB’s funeral the following day. I left work early, went home and changed, drove to Scottsboro to the funeral home, then came back home to practice.
4. Wednesday 4/21-I got to sleep until 9am this morning! After getting ready, I went to get Gran, met Mom at the middle school, and we rode to the funeral in Scottsboro. After the 2.5 hour funeral, we rode to the gravesite. We were told it was in Ft. Payne, but in all actuality, the cemetery was in the Fischer community. After I got home yesterday afternoon, I took two finals and went to bed.
5. Thursday 4/22-After work today, I have to take another final and retake one I took last night. I also have to pack and then run to Jacob’s to get some stuff he left at the parental this past weekend. Then…eventually, I’m hanging with Merica and Linds.
6. Friday 4/23-(everything from this point on becomes a list) Work til 4:30, drive to Auburn thru Dega traffic, and hang with Jacob
7. Saturday 4/24- A day with my love!
8. Sunday 4/25-First Baptist Opelika, contemporary service @ 9:45, a lazy afternoon with Jacob, then driving home thru Dega traffic
9. Monday 4/26-work, Financial Management and Operations Management finals
10. Tuesday 4/27-Thursday 4/29-get prepared for Cassie’s wedding
11. Friday 4/30-Cassie’s rehearsal and dinner
12. Saturday 5/1-Cassie’s wedding
See? That’s a lot going on. A lot of MAJOR stuff, actually. I really can’t wait for the next week to be OVER. I know that may sound harsh and cruel, considering my good friend is getting married, but it’s true. After May 1st, my life can return to a laid back pace. Hopefully.
I learned something yesterday. Not everyone knows what respect is. In the funeral procession from Scottsboro to Fort Payne, several people either passed our procession OR got in line with the procession in order to go thru red lights. I found that incredibly RUDE. Then, I noticed a man who stopped mowing his yard as we passed and a lady who quit planting in her garden to bow her head and pray. Why can’t the world be full of people like that man and woman?
Also, I have a headache. Pshh…I really wish time would fly pretty quickly.
19 April 2010
So...let's pretend.
I'm apparently a little restless at work today, and THIS has been the result: if I were to get married this weekend, these would be my top choices for the celebration.
Bridesmaid dresses
Hello? Can you say groom's cake?! WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
Blue hydrangeas have always been my dream.
I think these button filled jars are a GREAT idea for sweet, quirky, and simple centerpieces.
I've recently decided that I'm all for a brown bridal cake :)
I'm still all about these giraffes as cake toppers!! They're sooo precious!
I love the simplicity of this dress, and I'm totally digging the one-shoulder thing right now.
and finally, I'm stuck on the idea of dragging old wooden pews outside for the ceremony.
Okay, so in reality, I won't be having a wedding for at least a couple of years. This certainly did help pull me out of my funk though.
15 April 2010
Sing a Song
I've been singing this song in my head...non stop!!
'One World' by tobyMac
One Time, One World. Two Times, One Love. Three Times, Rewind.
'Cause I'm a dedicate this song to everyone of God's children.
Yo, come as you are, come just like you be
It's the bumps and curves of our history
But no blocks in the road that we can't traverse
And no wounds from the past that can't be nursed
All hate gonna to dissipate from our fate
No check, together we got a checkmate
All hate gonna dissipate and fade away
To make room for a brand new day we got
We got one world ‘til its time to fly
So it's one love ‘til we say goodbye
We got one world its enough to share
‘Til we're called home and we're caught up in the air we got
One world
I'll look out for you, you look out for me
One world
Together we can be perfect harmony
One world
I'll look out for you, you look out for me
One world
And I'm a dedicate this song to everyone of God's children
One world oughta be more than enough
And if its not, is God looking in pure disgust?
Wondering what the dilly with the silly I see?
When I made each of these in the image of me
Everyday is a chance for a new stance
Like every song is the beginning of a new dance
And everyone of us was made to reflect the light
And glorify the most high so bright
We got one world ‘til its time to fly
So it's one love ‘til we say goodbye
One world its enough to share
‘Til the king calls us home and we're caught up in the air we got
You can come as you are
Love is yours
Love is ours
I am a witness
To sweet forgiveness
You will shine like a star
Burning bright where you are in our one world
One world
Like a star (repeat and fade in), baby
One world
Like a star baby
One world
And I'm a dedicate this song, dedicate this song
Let's come together in love
I'll look out for you, you look out for me
Let's come together in love
Together we can be perfect harmony
Let's come together in love
I'll look out for you, you look out for me
Let's come togeter in love
Come together
'One World' by tobyMac
One Time, One World. Two Times, One Love. Three Times, Rewind.
'Cause I'm a dedicate this song to everyone of God's children.
Yo, come as you are, come just like you be
It's the bumps and curves of our history
But no blocks in the road that we can't traverse
And no wounds from the past that can't be nursed
All hate gonna to dissipate from our fate
No check, together we got a checkmate
All hate gonna dissipate and fade away
To make room for a brand new day we got
We got one world ‘til its time to fly
So it's one love ‘til we say goodbye
We got one world its enough to share
‘Til we're called home and we're caught up in the air we got
One world
I'll look out for you, you look out for me
One world
Together we can be perfect harmony
One world
I'll look out for you, you look out for me
One world
And I'm a dedicate this song to everyone of God's children
One world oughta be more than enough
And if its not, is God looking in pure disgust?
Wondering what the dilly with the silly I see?
When I made each of these in the image of me
Everyday is a chance for a new stance
Like every song is the beginning of a new dance
And everyone of us was made to reflect the light
And glorify the most high so bright
We got one world ‘til its time to fly
So it's one love ‘til we say goodbye
One world its enough to share
‘Til the king calls us home and we're caught up in the air we got
You can come as you are
Love is yours
Love is ours
I am a witness
To sweet forgiveness
You will shine like a star
Burning bright where you are in our one world
One world
Like a star (repeat and fade in), baby
One world
Like a star baby
One world
And I'm a dedicate this song, dedicate this song
Let's come together in love
I'll look out for you, you look out for me
Let's come together in love
Together we can be perfect harmony
Let's come together in love
I'll look out for you, you look out for me
Let's come togeter in love
Come together
13 April 2010
I know I mention Haley in my blog alllll the time. She's doing the World Race right now. Basically, she and her team are in a different country every month for a year. I miss her like crazy crazy, but I'm so proud of her for sharing Christ with others. Here are a few pictures of the people she's gotten to encounter on her trip so far...
Here's one of my favorites of me and Haley:
Falling behind...
I'm gonna get back in the swing of things shortly. I realize it's been a few days since I've blogged, but I've been crazy crazy crazy busy. AHHH!!!
Until then, here's a picture of my beautiful brother, Noah, and his gorgeous prom date (and Miss GHS), Autrey...
Until then, here's a picture of my beautiful brother, Noah, and his gorgeous prom date (and Miss GHS), Autrey...
09 April 2010
Not shopping is hard!
Okay. So I'm still on this no shopping kick thing (I can't buy something unless I really need it OR it's completely and totally unlike something I don't already own). That's why I was planning on making those rings with Merica last night. Sadly, that didn't happen. Looks like I'll be making a Hobby Lobby run after my doctor's appointment in Huntsville Monday morning. Anyways, These are some shoes that I literally feel like I NEED in my life right now...
Yes, those are yellow Converse. You see, my sweet boyfriend got himself a pair a couple of weeks ago:
and I've been coveting them ever since. Wouldn't we be cute wearing them together?!

Okay, these I definitely need!! Wouldn't they look hot with a white tee and shorts/jeans?!
And finally...aren't these wedges absolutely adorable!?! That's what I thought. ALL NECESSARY purchases, right?
08 April 2010
Evening Project
I wanna try and make one of these HUGE flower rings tonight. Wouldn't that be the perfect accessory for a weekend wardrobe full of white v-necks, jeans, shorts, and tank tops? Yeah, I thought so.
(I found this on the glamourai's blog.)
Okay, so giraffes make me incredibly happy! I don't know what first triggered my love for the long legged, long necked animals, but I love them. Maybe it's because as clumsy as they appear to look, they are actually pretty graceful creatures. Maybe it's the spots. Maybe it's just because they're hilariously beautiful?

And you might think I'm a tad bit crazy, but I would really love having these little guys for cake toppers!! Aren't they adorable? And they're totally me!
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