First, I’m listening to one of my current favorite songs, ‘Fugitive’ by David Gray.
Today’s post will surely prove to be mostly a random jumble of my thoughts. I mean, CRAZINESS. Haha I haven’t really had all that much time to blog lately due to the fact that this week and next week are jam packed full of important stuff. Even though it probably doesn’t seem like much to everyone else…here’s what this week and my coming week have shown and continue to show as far as scheduling is concerned.
And never fear, I’m gonna back track to the beginning of my week.
1. Sunday 4/18- I woke up to get ready for church and couldn’t breathe, had an itchy face, AND I was nauseous. Jacob came over after lunch and tried to cheer me up with a movie, 2012. It was just alright. Very interesting AND it will make your mind spin in directions it may have not previously spun. Jacob then said his goodbyes (he had to go back to Auburn :( ), and I began my TEN, yes TEN, page paper that was due that evening by midnight. I got the paper finished, took a Benadryl, and fell asleep watching the CMA’s.
2. Monday 4/19-I woke up, still feeling pretty crummy, and went to work sans makeup. Delana got a call around 11 telling us that Hospice had left DB and Karen’s house. We knew that DB didn’t have much time left. Delana left, and I continued to work. After work, I took Gran to get some FREE Chic-fil-a. I then spent the evening in a state of complete unproductivity. (DB died that afternoon.)
3. Tuesday 4/20-Haley called me, and it was the HIGHLIGHT of my day! :) I was informed at work that I had been asked to sing at DB’s funeral the following day. I left work early, went home and changed, drove to Scottsboro to the funeral home, then came back home to practice.
4. Wednesday 4/21-I got to sleep until 9am this morning! After getting ready, I went to get Gran, met Mom at the middle school, and we rode to the funeral in Scottsboro. After the 2.5 hour funeral, we rode to the gravesite. We were told it was in Ft. Payne, but in all actuality, the cemetery was in the Fischer community. After I got home yesterday afternoon, I took two finals and went to bed.
5. Thursday 4/22-After work today, I have to take another final and retake one I took last night. I also have to pack and then run to Jacob’s to get some stuff he left at the parental this past weekend. Then…eventually, I’m hanging with Merica and Linds.
6. Friday 4/23-(everything from this point on becomes a list) Work til 4:30, drive to Auburn thru Dega traffic, and hang with Jacob
7. Saturday 4/24- A day with my love!
8. Sunday 4/25-First Baptist Opelika, contemporary service @ 9:45, a lazy afternoon with Jacob, then driving home thru Dega traffic
9. Monday 4/26-work, Financial Management and Operations Management finals
10. Tuesday 4/27-Thursday 4/29-get prepared for Cassie’s wedding
11. Friday 4/30-Cassie’s rehearsal and dinner
12. Saturday 5/1-Cassie’s wedding
See? That’s a lot going on. A lot of MAJOR stuff, actually. I really can’t wait for the next week to be OVER. I know that may sound harsh and cruel, considering my good friend is getting married, but it’s true. After May 1st, my life can return to a laid back pace. Hopefully.
I learned something yesterday. Not everyone knows what respect is. In the funeral procession from Scottsboro to Fort Payne, several people either passed our procession OR got in line with the procession in order to go thru red lights. I found that incredibly RUDE. Then, I noticed a man who stopped mowing his yard as we passed and a lady who quit planting in her garden to bow her head and pray. Why can’t the world be full of people like that man and woman?
Also, I have a headache. Pshh…I really wish time would fly pretty quickly.
I hope I never have to find out about your week like this again. :(