24 May 2010

Happy Monday!!

Well, my weekend was FANTASTIC!!

It started off with quite the bang. My waxing poetic ring finally came in!! Here's a look:

I've excitedly been wearing it ever since : ) Suprise Suprise!

After work on Friday, I travelled to Auburn for a weekend with Jacob. On Saturday we met up with Aimee & Tyler and road tripped to Columbus City, Georgia (it was only about a 35 minute drive). Aimee needed to find a store called, Starship. It was quite questionable, didn't have what she was looking for, AND we  had a weird encounter with what I am positive was  a man dressed as a woman. The boys were happy though. Georgia meant 40's. haha

That evening we watched Shrek Forever After and ate Cock of the Walk. Then we ended the night with a SUUUUPER long game of Never Have I Ever with the crew.

Sunday was a church morning and that evening, before I came back home, we had sushi with the crew. It was a fantastic weekend!!! : )

As a sidenote:

I bought 'Crazy Love.' It's a book that Haley suggested. I'm hoping it's grand.

Oh, and as another sidenote:

Jacob and I will have been together for half a year on Wednesday. This he reminded me of yesterday afternoon. Guess what my wonderful boyfriend is doing for me? He's taking me to Chattanooga on Saturday to the Aquarium and dinner :) Gosh!! He's the absolute BEST!!

1 comment:

  1. The person of questionable gender in starship is in fact a she man! I remember shim well!
