01 November 2010

You were always on my mind...

...okay, maybe YOU weren't exactly. haha This is what's on my mind right now. I know, it's a random rumble jumble mumble of stuff...but it's helping me sort thru things : ) That's always a plus, right?
  • Wouldn't it be awesome if upon being hired for a position your employer asked for a GRAND TOTAL for all of your bills (things that HAD to be paid each month) and gave you that amount on top of your hourly wages every pay period?
  • I have been shopping on Forever21 today. I'm trying to suppress the urge to seriously shop for myself because Christmas is so close. This is my bag. Feel fry to buy me a treat! : )
  • I wish that I had more fingers so I could wear more rings at one time.
  • I just drank my last soft drink from work. I hope to begin the adventure of only drinking water at work from this point forward! Help keep me accountable.
  • I'm glad tomorrow is November 2nd and all the voting will be over. While I completely respect and deem it necessary for politicians to campaign, I'm tired of the commercials (why bash one another?) and the yard signs. They just make things messy.
  • I've got a HUGE crush on these pretties.
  • Fried eggs and waffles-That's what I'm craving for dinner tonight. Too bad my boyfriend isn't a blog reader or follower. Bummer.
  • School is finally beginning to settle a little. I've currently got an Advertising group project to finish. I also have to finish a Consumer Behavior project. After that, I'm pretty much home free until December 18th (that's when I graduate!!).
  • I made a list of people I have to buy for this Christmas. Know what the number came to?? Twenty-three
  • Blogs make me happy and really help to buffer out the boredom that a work day can cause.
  • I like the name Grover. For a baby, for a dog, for the fridge, or a coffee cup.


  1. Wes and I went to Gatlinburg this weekend and had the whole discussion about the pointlessness of road signs for politicians...distracting, irrelevant because they tell you nothing about the candidate, and, as you said, messy.
