29 September 2010


Well, my lunch turned out to be completely unsatisfying (except for the carrots. I love eating something with a CRUNCH!). I went to Piggly Wiggly this morning to pick up some lettuce to go with my salad fixin's.

To my dismay, the Pig had nothing but FROZEN lettuce. *Problem in produce! Problem in produce!*

So, I returned to work and had a lunch made of carrots, pepperonis, feta cheese, and balsamic dressing. It was just as awkward to eat as it sounds. I promise you that!

It's no wonder I'm dreaming about things I would have rather eaten for lunch, right?
Ah...turkey burger :) Gobble gobble

potato salad with bacon

spinach and chicken quesadillas

grilled chicken with feta and zucchini

macaroni salad with asparagus, peas, and feta

cheese ravioli with grilled zucchini

sausage and apple kabobs

steak with chick pea salad

Yuummmm...in my dreams. Now I'll probably starve til dinner time!

27 September 2010

Copy Catter Hatter

1. What color is your toothbrush?
white and blue. so boring. but who cares really...it's a toothbrush.

2. Name one person who made you smile today:

3. What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
talking to Amanda and Delana

4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
driving home for lunch

5. What is your favorite candy bar?
Milky Way or KitKat or Twix or Caramello haha I must be in a chocolate mood!

6. Have you ever been to a strip club?

7. What is the last thing you said aloud?
I wish that motorcycle would hurry up and move out of our parking lot!

8. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Ben & Jerry's Americone Dream

9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
coca cola classic

10. Do you like your wallet?
Excuse me. I'm not going to respond to this question. It's so dumb. It's really dumb. Fo real.

11. What was the last thing you ate?
Sour Gummy Worms from Lindsanity

12. Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
negative :) Go me!

13. The last sporting event you watched?
Auburn vs. South Carolina
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
I like it soooo buttery it's dripping! Oh, and I love to add seasoning salt to it too!

15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?

16. Ever go camping?
I've been before. I can't say that I really enjoy it though. I don't like to get dirty.

17. Do you take vitamins daily?
Yes. I take biotin for my hair.

18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
I go every Sunday that I am home. Unless we're in Auburn, then we usually go to First Baptist Opelika.

19. Do you have a tan?
negative. I get made fun of for it all the time at family gatherings. In fact, they made fun of me specifically for that last night.

20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza?
I prefer pizza over Chinese food. I'm too much of a cheese lover.

21., Do you drink your soda with a straw?
I only use a straw when I'm at a restaurant.

22. What did your last text message say?

23. What are you doing tomorrow?
Working, going to eat Mama's with Erica, going to Betty's Century21 party, then taking two quizzes and working on a PowerPoint

24. What sounds are you listening to now?
silence :)

25. Look to your left, what do you see?
A picture of the old River Bridge

26. What color is your watch?
 I'm not wearing one today.

27. What do you think of when you hear Australia?
honeymoon dream

28. What is your birthstone?

29 Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
I usually go for the drive thru.

30. What is your favorite number?

31. Who's the last person you talked to on the phone?

32. Any plans today?
I'm working until 4:30, then going to Hville to hang with Jacob :)

33. How many states have you lived in?

34. Biggest annoyance right now?
I've got a TON of homework.

35. Last song listened to?
'All I Do is Win'

36. Can you say the alphabet backwards?

37. Do you have a maid service clean your house?
In my dreams...

38. Favorite pair of shoes you like to wear all the time?
My current fav are a pair of leopard print pointy flats.

39. Are you jealous of anyone?

40. Is anyone jealous of you?
I don't know why they would be.

41. Do you love anyone? 
oh yes. Quite a few anyone's actually.

42. Do any of your friends have children?

43. What do you usually do during the day?
work work work

44. Do you hate anyone that you know right now?
hating takes too much energy!

45. Do you use the word 'hello' daily?
This is a ridiculous question.

46. What color is your car?
47. Do you like cats?

48. Are you thinking about someone right now?

49. Have you ever been to Six Flags?
I haven't been in too long.

50. How did you get your worst scar?
I was helping to cater a wedding.

22 September 2010


Okay, so I might have a slight obsession with...(drumroll, please)......


Yes, you read that right. I love quiche. I could eat it hot or cold (preferrably hot), morning or night, breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I mean, it's got everything I love about food: cheese and veggies. If you know me, you know that I am not a huge meat lover. While I will succomb to the occasional steak, fried chicken, or pepperoni sandwich, I really prefer grains, cheese, and veggies to just about any meat you could throw at me.

Quiche just completely satisfies all of those flavors for me. I haven't ventured into making my own quiche yet, but I plan on doing it very soon. I blame a lot of my lack of cooking skills on the fact that I live with my mother who is always the primary cooker. By primary, I mean she has food on the table every afternoon at 4:30 when my dad gets home. It's hard to say, 'No, I'm not gonna eat what you've cooked today. I'm just gonna make something for myself.' So, when I get my own place, I plan on becoming a quiche connoisseur. :)
broccoli and cheddar quiche

cajun quiche with rice crust :) yummy!!

mini bacon and egg quiche

Now I'm ready for lunch! haha I only wish Another Broken Egg was not located in Huntsville, but in Guntersville!!

21 September 2010

War Eagle

This post will probably prove to be very short :(

Sad, I know. Tell me about it. My life has come down to schoolwork, schoolwork, schoolwork, lately. I started my research paper tonight and am only two, short, double-spaced pages away from being finished! :) Then I have to write the Abstract and do the Reference page. Oh, and did I mention I have to create a PowerPoint to go along with it? Oh yeah, and I'm supposed to keep up with all the work in my other 6 classes as well. No worries, I'm not insane....YET!!!

As the title of this blog post reads, War Eagle!!  I spent the weekend in Auburn with the boyfriend and some of my bests whom I haven't seen in forever (okay, so it's really just been a month and a half, but in my book, that's forever!!). We spent the weekend running like mad because Auburn had a home game. While I love love love football games, especially at Jordan-Hare, you've got to understand that tailgating and the game completely CONSUME the day. There isn't much time for else. And when you think you wanna hang and have a dance partay with your bests after the game, you're completely exhausted and just want a shower and a place to lay your head. That's pretty much how the weekend went. I got to War Eagle with some of my favorite people, tailgate on Samford Lawn, eat Insomnia...twice, experience Auburn's Blue Out All In, and watch Auburn pull out a W.

Here are just a few of my favorite pictures from the weekend:
Friday night after dinner at Loco's

Take a Few Steps Back

I was at work and just stumbled upon this picture on my work computer:
Oh yeah. You guessed it right! That's my MOM and my DAD back when Mom was still in high school. Talk about bringing rompers back. And how classy were they? Talledega and all.

I just thought someone might need a chuckle on this Tuesday afternoon. I know I did. Now back to research paper prep. Booooo.

16 September 2010

It's your lucky day.

I know. I know. You can hardly believe your eyes, right? I am, in fact, presently posting to my blog. It's been months since I've done a legit post, but I've got valid excuses for that. I mean, with school, and the seventeen billion weddings I've had, you can cut me some slack.

Now that school's started back, I've been going a little bit crazy. Just to be perfectly honest, I'm spread quite thin. I've got a research paper and a PowerPoint project due in 2 weeks. Those two assignments are my ONLY assignments for one of my classes. Let me just tell you, if you ever think that taking 19 hours in one semester might be easy, THINK AGAIN. Don't do it! haha I'm usually one to encourage folks about school, but nineteen hours PLUS a 40 hour work week is insane. Trust me.

This post will be random, I'm most sure.

I'm so excited about this weekend, I could scream!! (The girls I work with might find that a little inappropriate for the office, OR they may just be used to hearing outbursts from me.) Jacob and I are going to Auburn! War Eagle!! I can't wait to see that eagle circle the field and watch Auburn beat Clemson. Oh, and did I mention that ESPN's GameDay is going to be there? Oh yeah. It's happening. Plus, I get to see Linds and the entire Auburn crew. It's been so terribly long since I've seen any of them. Lindsanity (as I'm now going to refer to Linds) and I are even exchanging birthday presents. And I don't know anyone who doesn't love giving or receiving gifts. I even got a new navy dress to wear to the game Saturday.


In other news, the boyfriend got me a claddagh ring for my birthday :) I thought it was completely sweet!!

Also, Haley's back from her mission trip!! I was so extremely excited to have her back. I also realized how relieved I am that I can pick up the phone and call her at any time, or just drive the 2 minutes to her house if I need her. It's so nice and something I definitely took for granted before she left for a year. We spent a week in NYC upon her arrival. Here are just a few of my favorite photos from the trip!!

In China Town

Dinner at The Frying Pan

True Gossip Girl form


Birthday dinner at Butter (the same place that hosted Beyonce's birthday party the week before!)

We even gave out free hugs in Times Square :)

So, as you can see, I've had a LOT on my table as of late. I must return to research paper writing and test taking...unfortunately. This whole school business is keeping me from reading the THREE new books I can't wait to dive into:


(By the way, the boyfriend and I just watched this movie. Even though it had subtitles, I would recommend it to anyone!)

I just want to leave you all with a promise to blog more regularly AND a


01 September 2010



I know you're thinking your eyes are playing tricks on you. They aren't. I can promise you that!

My life has been crazy busy for the past couple of months. We've gone to several weddings, gotten the boyfriend moved, transitioned into my very LAST semester of school :), and have been getting ready for Haley's return.

I am leaving tomorrow night at 6:30pm for my trip to New York City. The greatest part of this trip you might ask? Haley will be hopping off a plane at JFK International at 2:30 Friday afternoon. I can't wait to hug her to death. Seriously!!

You can expect at least one or two more blog posts upon my return ;) Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things pretty easily!