22 September 2010


Okay, so I might have a slight obsession with...(drumroll, please)......


Yes, you read that right. I love quiche. I could eat it hot or cold (preferrably hot), morning or night, breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I mean, it's got everything I love about food: cheese and veggies. If you know me, you know that I am not a huge meat lover. While I will succomb to the occasional steak, fried chicken, or pepperoni sandwich, I really prefer grains, cheese, and veggies to just about any meat you could throw at me.

Quiche just completely satisfies all of those flavors for me. I haven't ventured into making my own quiche yet, but I plan on doing it very soon. I blame a lot of my lack of cooking skills on the fact that I live with my mother who is always the primary cooker. By primary, I mean she has food on the table every afternoon at 4:30 when my dad gets home. It's hard to say, 'No, I'm not gonna eat what you've cooked today. I'm just gonna make something for myself.' So, when I get my own place, I plan on becoming a quiche connoisseur. :)
broccoli and cheddar quiche

cajun quiche with rice crust :) yummy!!

mini bacon and egg quiche

Now I'm ready for lunch! haha I only wish Another Broken Egg was not located in Huntsville, but in Guntersville!!

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