I know. I know. You can hardly believe your eyes, right? I am, in fact, presently posting to my blog. It's been months since I've done a legit post, but I've got valid excuses for that. I mean, with school, and the seventeen billion weddings I've had, you can cut me some slack.
Now that school's started back, I've been going a little bit crazy. Just to be perfectly honest, I'm spread quite thin. I've got a research paper and a PowerPoint project due in 2 weeks. Those two assignments are my ONLY assignments for one of my classes. Let me just tell you, if you ever think that taking 19 hours in one semester might be easy, THINK AGAIN. Don't do it! haha I'm usually one to encourage folks about school, but nineteen hours PLUS a 40 hour work week is insane. Trust me.
This post will be random, I'm most sure.
I'm so excited about this weekend, I could scream!! (The girls I work with might find that a little inappropriate for the office, OR they may just be used to hearing outbursts from me.) Jacob and I are going to Auburn! War Eagle!! I can't wait to see that eagle circle the field and watch Auburn beat Clemson. Oh, and did I mention that ESPN's GameDay is going to be there? Oh yeah. It's happening. Plus, I get to see Linds and the entire Auburn crew. It's been so terribly long since I've seen any of them. Lindsanity (as I'm now going to refer to Linds) and I are even exchanging birthday presents. And I don't know anyone who doesn't love giving or receiving gifts. I even got a new navy dress to wear to the game Saturday.
In other news, the boyfriend got me a claddagh ring for my birthday :) I thought it was completely sweet!!
Also, Haley's back from her mission trip!! I was so extremely excited to have her back. I also realized how relieved I am that I can pick up the phone and call her at any time, or just drive the 2 minutes to her house if I need her. It's so nice and something I definitely took for granted before she left for a year. We spent a week in NYC upon her arrival. Here are just a few of my favorite photos from the trip!!
In China Town
Dinner at The Frying Pan
True Gossip Girl form
Birthday dinner at Butter (the same place that hosted Beyonce's birthday party the week before!)
We even gave out free hugs in Times Square :)
So, as you can see, I've had a LOT on my table as of late. I must return to research paper writing and test taking...unfortunately. This whole school business is keeping me from reading the THREE new books I can't wait to dive into:
(By the way, the boyfriend and I just watched this movie. Even though it had subtitles, I would recommend it to anyone!)
I just want to leave you all with a promise to blog more regularly AND a
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