11 January 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011

So, this is DAY TWO of the Snowpocalypse 2011.

Yes, you heard me right. Alabama, more specifically Guntersville, received almost 8 inches of snow Monday morning.

While it's been a refreshing two days out of work (and school for the kiddos and boyfriend), I'm ready for tomorrow morning to get her so I can get back to making that paper.

You see, I'm not being paid for my snow days. Thank you, City of Guntersville.

Don't get me wrong. I loved watching the Auburn Tigers become the National Champions last night, getting to stay up until 1:30 in the am watching the post game commentary and highlights, and sleeping incredibly late this morning (i.e. 9:31 am).

But there's only so many hours that can be consumed by doing laundry, experimenting with your hair, taking a nice looooong relaxing bath, reading, playing on Facebook, and my guiltiest pleasure of all-playing the Sims 3 (Hey, if Jacob can spend hours on the Xbox, I don't believe me playing the Sims is so bad, right?).

Without further ado, SNOW, please melt!! K. Thanks.
Looking at our front yard...

front steps

This used to be our flowerbeds. haha

Dad and Noah felt like our snowman was deserving of a Jeff Gordon hat. Poor snowman.

me and the brother

Highway 431

Phil Isom Field at Chorba-Lee Stadium

1 comment:

  1. Great pics Anna! Wes is snowed in at his parents house and can't get home...I want the snow to melt too!!!
