This is going to be a very sporatic post. Meaning, I'm gonna jump around all over the place!
You've been warned.
- I promise to put up pictures of New Years Eve and Jacob's birthday asap. Just think about it though, when my pictures get posted, you'll probably have already been burnt out on seeing other pictures NYE photos...and mine will seem fresher, right? (At least that's the reason I am giving for the delay!)
- Part of the reason have been being such a crummy blogger the past few days is because I'm sick. I NEVER get sick! I woke up Saturday morning with the worst sinus infection/head cold I've ever experienced. By Sunday night, it was deep in my chest making breathing require more effort. Alas, it got worse, but today I am on the up and up. Hopefully I'll be over this nasty crud soon.
- The weather here has been awful lately. Don't get me wrong...I don't mind the cold at all. Actually, I welcome it (I love cold weather clothes=layers)! When the temperature goes from 60 degrees one day to 40 the next and then back up to 60 degrees again, it makes Anna a sick gal.
- You all saw my video I posted yesterday *HOPEFULLY* of the trailer for The Vow with Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams, right? I absolutely cannot wait until that movie comes out!! Jacob and I usually plan a very low key celebration for Valentine's Day, but I think we may have to make plans to go see that movie. I cried during the previews. haha That only assures me the movie will be great.
- I went shopping Monday (yes, while I was sick) and was sorely disappointed. I had a giftcard to Forever21, but I had a hard time finding things I liked. Then, when I went to try everything on, I ended up with one shirt. I did get a rockin' bag though. And I scored two ballin' bras from VS's semi-annual sale.
- Do you play Words with Friends? Well, you should. I'm currently addicted.
- Wanna know another addiction? That'd be The Hunger Games. I just started the third book Mockingjay last night, and I have to say I'm a tad bit sad the triology is almost over. Katniss is my hero.
- Everyone is blogging about their New Year's resolutions. Confession: I NEVER make resolutions. Another Confession? I made one this year. I got to thinking...I work in the court system and every person I come into contact with is a person that I can show the love of Christ to. I have made a resolution to be nicer to the people I see while I am working. You can only imagine how much discipline it takes to not back talk someone who's just cussed you out. I lose it sometimes though. I have really got to work on not losing my temper and keeping a level and encouraging tone for all those I come into contact with. I am going to be kinder in 2012. :)
- You should all check out my friend, Sara's, blog. She's made a couple of resolutions herself. Give her some encouragement!
- I just watched the Bachelor last night and my favorites are: Lyndzie (that rode in on the horse) and Kacie B. Have you got your favorites picked out yet?
Back to the daily grind...there are cases to be filed away...
Thanks for mentioning me Nan! Josh is on the second book of the hunger games and loves it!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, why on earth would she spell it Lyndzie?! (but true story, that's exactly how I wanted to spell it in 8th grade..)