26 October 2011

Wednesday Wanderings

I was just doing my morning blog reads and came across this mini questionnaire on bluegrass belle. I thought I'd give it a whirl.

1. How do you take your coffee?
I don't take coffee. Seriously. I think it's yucky. On the rarest of occasions you might find me drinking a White Mocha from Starbucks...but it's rare.

2. Do you prefer soft or crispy chocolate chip cookies?

I like my chocolate chip cookies soft and chewy. I would even go as far as to microwave them to make them a bit gooey-er.

3. Do you wear a belt everyday?

Heavens, no. I do, however, belt things on occasion. Ya know, like a cardigan...

4. What is your favorite color combination?

I pretty much love any bright color paired with gray. Gray and brown are my favorite colors, period. But I don't prefer those two colors together. Unless, of course, we're talking charcoal and tan...swoon.

5. Do you like sour candy?

Sour candy is my favorite. I like tart tart tart!

6. How often do you do laundry?

I do laundry once a week. Sometimes people talk like that's a bad thing. I don't think so. It helps me ensure that I don't wear the same things over and over again.

7. Did you ever wear braces?

Yes siree. I wore braces in 6th and 7th grade. It wasn't a horrible experience. I was quite blessed as far as the braces go.

8. Are you good at Roman Numerals?
thru ten..or V

9. What is your favorite form of social media?

I'd have to say it's a tie between the blogosphere and pinterest. I'm obsessed with both.

10. How do you feel about chin dimples?

They aren't my favorite. Just sayin.

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