12 January 2011

On my mind...

  • "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood..." (sung in a Mr. Rogers voice.)
  • It really isn't a beautiful day in the neighborhood though.
  • I mean, it's beautiful. It's just also EXTREMELY cold.
  • Can you beleive it's snowed all day long too? I couldn't.
  • The snow in turning into a nuisance to me.
  • I mean, it was fun and exciting when it was actually falling out of the sky and accumulating on the ground. But seriously, the ice made it too hard to play in :(
  • Therefore, it's got to go. Like right now. K? Thanks.
  • That's enough about the snow.
  • Let's get to the good stuff.
  • I may have mislead you with my previous bullet. By exciting, I mean what I want to do tonight.
  • Playing the Sims while also reading 'Son of a Witch' sounds like a perfect schedule for the evening.
  • I am supposed to have practice for church tonight.
  • I'm struggling lately with trying to find a new church home and not singing anymore.
  • By not singing I mean, not singing on a stage in front of everyone with a microphone.
  • I believe that not singing like ^THAT^ would make worship the way it used to be to me.
  • Worship, to me, has always been one of my main ways of communication with my Savior.
  • When I'm singing in front of everyone, even though I try hard not to, I seem to focus more on myself and how I'm performing than my intimate moment with Christ.
  • So, that's my dilemma.
  • It's even tougher for me because my mother tries to DIE *seriously* when I say I'm not going to be at church on Sunday.
  • For her, the problem is me not singing.
  • Anyways, that's just something I've got to figure out. And I believe I'd have more time to mull it over if I'm just relaxing tonight without having to actually GO to practice.
  • Moving forward...I need want some new books.
  • The last excursion I had to Barnes&Noble (where I have ample amounts of gift cards :) ) proved to be disappointing.
  • I didn't find a THING that appealed to me.
  • Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. If you look around here, I will look with you for a new church.. I need to get back something serious.
